There are minimal requirements to run this product:
PHP 5.3 or higher
MySQL 5.0 or higher
GD Library
Self-Hosted WordPress 4.x
All of our products accompany with free support, as we have a dedicated Support system to handle your requests. Support is limited to questions recastorng the theme’s features or problems with the theme. We are unable to provide support for code customization or third-party plugins. However, we may help you to do some minor customizations. Particularly, we really appreciate if you have any suggestion to improve our product quality.
We recommend the plugins listed below to provide fully functionalities in use:
- Castor Core
- WPBakery Visual Composer
- Revolution Slider
Once you've downloaded the installation file on ThemeForest, extract it and locate a file called You can install the theme by using one of two installation methods:
Install by WordPress Theme Manager
This is probably the simplest way for most users. Here are 6 steps you need to take:
Login to your Admin page.
Navigate to Appearance > Themes.
Click Add New

Then click Upload Theme
Next, browse to the zip file and click Install now so the theme can be uploaded and installed.
After done installing, click Activate to publish the theme

Install through FTP upload
If you want to install via FTP, here are 3 steps you need to take:
Using FTP client, login to the server where your WordPress website is hosted
Using FTP client, navigate to the /wp-content/themes/ directory under your WordPress website's root directory
Using FTP client, upload the castor directory to themes directory on remote server
Once installation is complete, your Castor theme will be ready to use.
ThemeForest Knowledgebase to know Common WordPress Installation Issues may help you figure out your install problem.
If you plan to change template code, after installing Castor main theme, you should install and active Castor child theme.
This action will protect your customized code whenever Main theme is updated.
Install Plugins
We recommend you to install the following plugins to provide more functionalities in use:
- Castor Core
- WPBakery Visual Composer
- Revolution Slider
After activating the theme, you will be asked to installed the recommended plugins, you can proceed by clicking on Begin installing plugins

In the next page, check all the plugins that you want to install then on the drop down Bulk Actions, choose Install then click Apply, the plugin installation process will start.

After install plugins, go to Appearance > Install Plugins, check all the plugins that you want to activate then on the drop down Bulk Actions, choose Activate and click Apply, the plugin activation process will start. Wait for all the plugin activated then you can start customizing your website as you want
Importing Demo Content
With the Castor theme, you have the option to either start creating your site from scratch, or choosing to import one of the included demo sites to use as a starting point, and then modifying it to suit your needs. In this section we will explain how to do the latter.
If you plan on building an online shop with Castor, please read the WooCommerce section of this User Guide before installing the demo content.
Castor comes with a one-click import module. To import one of the included demo sites, please follow these steps:
Login to your WordPress admin panel
Navigate to Theme Options > Demo Importer
From the Import menu, choose the demo site that you would like to import
Click on the Import Demo button and wait for the import process to finish.
Please note that the images we use on our demo sites are copyrighted, and if you'd like to publish them on your site, you would need to purchase them separately.
Importing Demo Content by WordPress Importer
This is another way to import theme demo content
Login to your WordPress admin panel
Navigate to Tools > Import
Click button "Run Importer"
In Castor package folder find demo xml folder than choose the demo site that you would like to import and select content.xml
For Download and import file attachments click to checkbox. Click on the Submit button and wait for the import process to finish.
For importing widget install Widget Importer & Exporter plugin
Navigate to Tools > Widget Importer & Exporter
In Castor package folder find demo xml folder than choose the demo site that you would like to import and select widgets.wie
For Download and import widgets click on the Import Widgets button and wait for the import process to finish.
For reset database you can use Database Reset plugin.
Updating Theme
You can update your theme by performing the following steps:
Login to your WordPress admin panel
Download the latest theme .zip file from ThemeForest
Extract it and locate
Extract and locate the castor folder
Copy/Replace the contents of the castor folder to the /wp-content/themes/castor folder of your web site.
To start customizing Castor theme, in the Admin page please go to Theme Options
General Settings
To add your logo to the header, navigate to Theme Options > General Settings > Header > Logo Image - Default from your WordPress admin panel and click the upload button next to the Logo Image - Default field. After you upload your image and save the options, you should have a visible logo in your header area.
Or you can use GTC Header Builder
Header Style: This option set header prefer style. GTC Header Builder or Standard simple header
Logo Image - Default: Choose a default logo image to display
Height: Set header site height
Background: Set header background color
Color: Set header text color
Menu Hover Color: Set menu hover text color
Sub Menu Background-color: Set menu background-color
Sub Menu Color: Set menu text color
Sub Menu Hover Color: Set sub menu hover text color
Header in grid: Set header content to be in grid
Header over: Set header content to be over the slider or page title image
Sticky ON: Set header content to be over the slider or page title image
Scroll Amount for Sticky: Enter scroll amount for Sticky Menu to appear (px)
Hide Sticky Header when scrolling down:
Sticky Header Logo Image: Choose a sticky header logo image to display
Sticky Header Height: Set sticky header height in px
Sticky Header Background color: Set sticky header background color
Sticky Header Menu Color: Set sticky header menu text color
Sticky Header Menu Hover Color: Set sticky header menu hover text color
Header in grid: Set header content to be in grid
Page Title
Show Page Title: Enabling this option will show Page Title area
Enable Breadcrumbs: Enabling this option will show Breadcrumbs
Vertical Alignment: Choose Vertical alignment of Page Title
Horizontal Alignment: Choose Horizontal alignment of Page Title
Background Color: Choose a background color for Page Title
Background Image: Choose a background image for Page Title
Enable Background Image in Parallax: Enabling this option will show background in parallax
Height: Set page title height
Footer in grid: Enabling this option will place Footer content in grid
Show Footer Top level: Enabling this option will show Footer Top area
Footer Top Level Columns: Choose number of columns for Footer Top Level area
Footer Top Level Columns Sizes: Choose size of columns for Footer Top Level area
Footer Top Level Columns Alignment: Choose alignment of columns for Footer Top Level area
Show Footer Bottom level: Enabling this option will show Footer Bottom area
Footer Bottom Level Columns: Choose number of columns for Footer Bottom Level area
Footer Bottom Level Columns Alignment: Choose alignment of columns for Footer Bottom Level area
Preloader: Enabling this option will Turn On Preloader
Preloader Background: Set Preloader background color
Preloader Circle Color: Set Preloader circle color
Image in Circle: Choose image to display in circle
Styling Options
Theme Color
Component Color
Footer Background Color
Footer Text Color
Bottom Footer Background Color
Bottom Footer Text Color
Boxed Layout: This option eneble Boxed Layout
Page Sidebar Layout: Choose a sidebar layout for pages.
Sidebar: Choose sidebar
Sidebar Generator
Menu Font You can change font options
Body Text Font You can change font options
Headers Font You can change font options
H1 You can change font options
H2 You can change font options
H3 You can change font options
H4 You can change font options
H5 You can change font options
H6 You can change font options
Blog Single Title
Type: You can change Blog Layout
Number of Columns: You can set blog columns (if type - grid)
Show blog in box: Make blog item in box
Change Text Length: You can change blog item text length
Text Length (in words): Set text length (if change text length is on)
Title Tag: You can choose blog item title tag
Info Position: You can change position of info list
Show Date info
Show Author info
Show Categories info
Show Tags info
Show Comments info
Blog Sidebars
Blog List Sidebar Layout: This option set default sidebar layout of Blog list.
Sidebar: Choose Blog list sidebar
Blog Single Sidebar Layout: This option set default sidebar layout of Blog single.
Sidebar: Choose Blog Single sidebar
404 Error Page
404 Error Page
Title Enter title for 404 page
Text Enter Text for 404 page
Back to Home Button Enter text for "Back to Home" button
To create a new blog post, go to Posts > Add New on the admin panel.
Enter a title for your post in the text field near the top.
Next, on the right side of your screen, there is a section called Format, please choose a format for your blog post. Now, let's go over the available options:
Standard: This is the default blog format. You can start adding content with the Visual Editor.
Gallery: When you select this format, an image slider will be created on top of the page. All images of this slider must be added to the field "Gallery Images" in box "GTC Post Format Option"
Link: When you select this format, the post special media container will be linked to the URL you input in the fields "Link, Text Link" in the box "GTC Post Format Option"
Quote: This format will make the post is presented as a quote You can set quote in the fields "Quote Content, Quote Author" in the box "GTC Post Format Option"
Video: When you select this format, a video player will be created on top of the page. The video URL must be added to the fields "Select video type, oEmbed, Self Hosted" in box "GTC Post Format Option"
Audio: When you select this format, an audio player will be created on top of the page. The audio URL must be added to the fields "Select audio type, oEmbed, Self Hosted" in box "GTC Post Format Option"
Now it's time to categorize this post.
Under Format section, there is a section called Categories, select the category that you want to assign to this post. Morover, if you'd like to create a new category, click on "+ Add New Category" A text field will unfold where you can enter a name for the category.
Then click on "Add New Category".
Once selected the category you want, click the "Publish button".
Under the Categories section are the Tags and Featured Image sections. Here you can add some tags to your post, and upload an image that will be displayed as the Featured Image (the representative image) of the post in the blog list pages.
Now, you've finished the setting for your blog post.
Creating your own page has been never so easy. To make the first step please go to Pages > Add new. At first sight, everything looks just like in default WordPress. But when you look at Visual/HTML area you will see some Page options or on Page Attribute panel, you will see some Page templates that we will explain below.
Page Templates
When creating a new page, one of the first things you might want to do is to assign a suitable template for it. To do this, please find the Page Attributes section on the right of the page editor. It comes with a variety of templates to choose:

Default Template: Choose this one if you want to create a standard page
Full Width: Choose this one if you want to create a page with Full width Layout
Page Options
Beside the variety page templates, we offer a number of options to customize each page easily such as: sidebar position, page title, page header background, breadcrumb options. These options will override the global options of the theme in Theme Options settings.

- SideBar: When enable this option, you can override the Sidebar settings
- Page Title: When enable this option, you can override the page title settings
- Breadcrumbs: Select the Breadcrumb state (enable/disable)
Castor is built with several custom shortcodes that will make life easier when creating content. To use these custom shortcodes, just open the visual composer and add the elements you need to use.

This theme support 10 widgets areas listed below:
Footer Top Column widget #1 to #4: This areas will be used to display widgets in Top part of Footer
Footer Bottom Column widget #1 to #4: This areas will be used to display widgets in Bottom part of Footer

Beside the built-in sidebar areas, we provide a feature called "Custom Sidebar". With this feature, you can create unlimited sidebar areas. To create a custom sidebar, just navigate to Theme Options > Sidebars you will see the box "Sidebar Generator. Please enter the sidebar title as you want and click to "Add more" button, a custom sidebar will be created.
To remove a custom sidebar, in Theme Options > Sidebars please open the sidebar that you want to remove. Click button "remove"

Photos: The images used on the demo site are for demonstration purposes only and are not included in the download file.
Icons Font
- jQuery
- jQuery Easing Plugin
- Jquery WOW
- jQuery.appear
- Owl Carousel
- Isotope
- Masonry
- Magnific Popups
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at
© Castor 2019